Water Harvesting

The rainy season is about four months of the year . Growing food takes place during the rainy season from about December to March. Most households have food in abundance during this time harvesting is done by about May and food security will be there up until the following rainy season. It is therefore important to seed water into the ground during the rainy season to raise the water table. Our communities dig water harvesting trenches around the homesteads to stop run off of this precious commodity. Without water not much can be done. The underground water is helpful for trees and other vegetation. The rural areas are in need of reforestation and climate change initiatives. Our communities are on the ball and they are making a difference.

Water harvesting in Zvishavane – Training 2017

Water Harvesting Nyakudya Domboshava- Member’s homestead

Nyakudya – member’s homestead water harvesting trenches – 2018

More water harvesting